Bartlesville Public Schools will have a districtwide Distance Learning day on Tuesday, October 27. There is the possibility of inclement weather in the morning, and even if freezing precipitation does not develop, this will be an important run-through of our procedures for any future inclement weather days or pandemic-related Distance Learning days.
Middle and high school students should have their Chromebooks at home on Tuesday to complete the lessons assigned by their teachers in Canvas, etc.
Some elementary school students will be issued Chromebooks by their teachers. They should use them to complete the lessons assigned by their teachers in Google Classroom, Seesaw, or other services.
Elementary students lacking a Chromebook at home on Tuesday should complete the Day 1 activities in the Inclement Weather Packets that were distributed last week. Those packets are also available online at BPSLEARN.COM.
Meal deliveries via bus routes: School buses will be running these late routes on Tuesday MORNING to deliver free Sodexo meals for children. If you have questions, call Sodexo Child Nutrition Manager Jon Beckloff at 918-397-7382.