Employment & Personnel

Become a Bruin!



Use the above link for a list of district vacancies and apply online! 

  • Highest beginning teacher salary in Oklahoma east of I-35.

  • Salaries 11% above contiguous districts.

  • Child care available to teachers at a 50% discount.

  • Special Education teachers paid 10% above base salary.

  • New Teacher Academy available to support beginning teachers.

  • District pays 100% of retirement on base salary for teachers.

  • Credit for ALL out-of-state accredited teaching experience.

  • Before and after-school care provided at reduced cost.

  • Starting salary for beginning level support positions with no experience is $12.15/hour.



Substitute Teachers and Substitute Paraprofessionals

Bartlesville Public Schools has partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program. A leader in K12 staffing, ESS is now responsible for the hiring, training, and placement of all daily and long term substitute teachers and substitute paraprofessionals. If you're interested in working as a substitute teacher for our district, please visit the link above to apply, or contact Ashton Lee, ESS Account Manager, at (918) 500-1699.

Certified Personnel Information

The Bartlesville Education Association (BEA) represents certified non-administrative employees of the Bartlesville Public Schools.

Classified Personnel Information

The Bartlesville Education Classified Personnel Organization (BECPO) represents classified employees of the Bartlesville Public Schools.

Administrative Personnel Information

General Employee Information

Care Solace Referrals

If staff members or their family members are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs regardless of the circumstance. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by Bartlesville Public Schools. Care Solace’s team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language.

Care Solace Staff Flyer

This service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory to use. Care Solace is not an emergency response service or mental health services provider. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 or call/text National Suicide Hotline 9-8-8.

Information on individual treatment providers was gathered by Care Solace based on criteria such as geographic proximity, whether the provider accepts the authorized user’s insurance, and whether the provider is accepting new patients. The school district does not recommend, endorse, promote, or refer to any of the individual treatment providers.

Personnel Office

Dr. Stephanie Curtis

Dr. Stephanie Curtis

Executive Director of Personnel & School Support
(918) 336-8600 ext. 3528

Vicki Howell

Ms. Vicki Howell

Executive Director's Assistant
(918) 336-8600 ext. 3527

Angie Niko

Ms. Angie Niko

Director of Personnel and Payroll
(918) 336-8600 ext. 3514

Michelle Malaske

Ms. Michelle Malaske

Certified & Non-Contracted Pay, Benefits, Leave; Certified Contracts
(918) 336-8600 ext. 3519

Jennifer Turner

Ms. Jennifer Turner

Classified Pay, Benefits, Contracts, Leave
(918) 336-8600 ext. 3518

Teri Miller

Ms. Teri Miller

Human Resources & Federal Programs Assistant

(918) 336-8600 ext. 3531