District Travel Forms
CAUTION: Travel funds must be encumbered before a trip. Consult your site financial secretary if you have any questions.
In-District Travel
Complete the In-District Travel Reimbursement Claim form linked below. Each month you will need to use the In-District Travel Mileage Chart to help you complete a claim.
Out-of District Travel
Out-of-District Travel without Students
Use the Out of District Travel Reimbursement Claim form linked below.
The use of a school vehicle is encouraged. Site financial secretaries submit Activity Trip forms; only requests filed by them or designees for athletics and the band will be accepted. To get pricing on the use of a school vehicle, contact either:
Melissa Soria at SoriaME@bps-ok.org or 918-336-1733

If you use a private vehicle, use the appropriate link below to calculate the mileage, which is reimbursed at $0.67/mile.
Per diems for meals are only paid for travel that includes an overnight stay. If you are not staying overnight in paid lodging, explain in the "Other Arrangements" part of the claim form. The 2025 per diem is $59/day for meeting days that involve no travel. The per diem is $44.25/day for travel days.
Incidentals require itemized and dated machine-printed receipts. Sign and indicate the event on each receipt.
Out-of-District Travel with Students
Use the Out of District Travel with Students Reimbursement Claim form linked below.
The use of a school vehicle is encouraged. Work with your site financial secretary if you need an Activity Trip form submitted to transportation. To get pricing on the use of a school vehicle, contact either:
Melissa Soria at SoriaME@bps-ok.org or 918-336-1733

If you must use a private vehicle, use the appropriate link below to calculate the mileage, which is reimbursed at $0.7 per mile in 2025.
Meals and incidentals require itemized and dated machine-printed receipts. You must print each student's name and sponsor's name on the back of each receipt, indicate the event, and sign it (or provide a roster of students, sponsors, drivers). Refer to board policy DED on acceptable receipts.
Please try to have students eat at one common place instead of multiple locations.
Meal allowances must include meal, drink, dessert, tax, and tip. The tip cannot exceed 15% and is included in the per diem amount.
Meal allowances are no longer broken down by individual meals, but are limited to $44.25 per person overall on travel days and $59.00 per person overall on non-travel days.
All receipts and money must be turned in the first school day following the event. If there is a shortage from the amount distributed and the amount returned (including receipts) the sponsor is responsible. Be sure to have accurate receipts.