OKWU Prep offers scholarships and affordable college credit to high schoolers.
Did you know that Oklahoma Wesleyan University, in partnership with Tel Library and the Koch Foundation, is offering students $100 scholarships to enroll in Spring 2021 classes? OKWU Prep online coursework, which can be dually-applied as high school and college credit.
Virtual Parent Information Meeting offered at 6:00 pm on Thursday, January 7 via Zoom. The link to this meeting is: https://okwu.zoom.us/j/91203375087?pwd=Y3dIZzBGTGlvZG40Y3R4b1A0SXNiQT09&from=addon
Password: 895115
Virtual Student Information Meeting offered during BHS Advisory on Thursday, January 7 via Zoom. The link to this meeting is: https://okwu.zoom.us/j/91203375087?pwd=Y3dIZzBGTGlvZG40Y3R4b1A0SXNiQT09&from=addon
Password: 323943
Students can receive scholarships for up to four classes, with coursework completed in either 8 or 16 weeks. That’s up to $400 towards college credit! OKWU will reimburse students who choose to attend as traditional undergrads in the future. You'll find more details on our website at www.okwu.edu/prep.
OKWU PREP Offers Scholarships
December 18, 2020