College High becomes Bartlesville High School, prompting a variety of renovations:
Parking was expanded by removing aisle rails in the south parking lot and restriping the lot for right-angle instead of slanted spaces; a new parking lot was built on the north end of the campus and spaces were added along the alleyway near the tennis courts. A metal bar along the Hillcrest parking was removed and replaced by a large curb. All lots were resurfaced by the K.C. Asphalt Company of Bartlesville.
A ramp was added to the main entrance of the school.
The exteriors of all of the buildings were repainted.
The main gym floor was resurfaced and the field house hall floors were retiled.
Large raised lettering reading COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL on the exterior of the auditorium was removed.
A Bruin tile mosaic was added to the floor of the main lobby. It was removed in the summer of 2012 when all of the floor tiles of the main building were replaced.
A flood inundated Custer Field and three to four feet of water damaged rooms in the stadium and Phillips Field House in a hundred-year flood of the Caney River. Flood damage of $52,033 was incurred with two basement stadium classrooms, built in what was once the metal shop, destroyed and band and football uniforms soaked and soiled. Typewriters and band instruments, however, had been moved up to the middle floor and were saved.
The classes of 1986, 1987, and 1988 funded a Bartlesville High School / Home of the Bruins sign out front.
The cinder track around Custer Field was replaced with the modernized Chuck Doornbos Track, via a $150,000 donation from the Doornbos family (Chuck's son Foster Doornbos & daughter Ami Preston). Chuck was a track star in high school and at the University of Kansas. The Doornbos family would also contribute toward a renovation of the track in 2004. An interesting note is that the original striping on the Doornbos track had a conversion error when the change from the old U.S.-measurements track to metric measurements was made, something that was caught in the track renovation. The Doornbos Track would be renovated again in 2017 and 2022.