On behalf of all of us at Kane Elementary, we want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
4 months ago, Megan Freeman
Happy Thanksgiving!
First Grade had a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade this afternoon! They worked on balloons and paraded them through Kane after learning about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! Great job guys thanks for sharing!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
1st Grade Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2024
We hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday with your loved ones! Just a reminder Kane will be closed Nov. 25-29 for Thanksgiving Break! Classes will resume on Monday December 2nd!
4 months ago, Megan Freeman
Thanksgiving Break
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Pastries with Parents and our Lunch and Learn the first week of December!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Pastries with Parents
Lunch and Learn
Don't miss our Toddler Story Time at Kane Elementary on Tuesday December 3rd at 9am!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Toddler Storytime
Tonight is Papa John's night! Save some time and hassle, order some Papa John's and you get to help out your school in the process! Win win!! Don't forget when you order to enter the promo code: School1
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Papa John's Night
The Bartlesville Area History Museum would like to invite you to join us for a fun-filled event during Thanksgiving Break. Before you gobble up all of the pumpkin pie, stop by the Museum on Monday, November 25, 2024, from 10:00AM-12:00PM for our first ever Turkey Party. Little wranglers ages 3-12 can enjoy a turkey-themed craft as Museum Coordinator, Shayla Cummins talks about fun turkey history. We hope to butter you up with all kinds of interesting facts about the old Scudder Turkey Farm that used to be here in town. Registration for this event is free, but space is limited, so turkey trot on over to our website, https://www.bartlesvillehistory.com/adventures-in-education/camp/ and sign up for the festivities while the supplies last! THIRD-PARTY DISCLAIMER: Bartlesville Public Schools is not sponsoring, endorsing, or recommending the activities announced here. Student participation is voluntary and subject to parental approval.
over 55 years ago, BPSD
Turkey Party
Come join our Bruin team! This afternoon at the High School Cafeteria from 4:00-5:30 Bartlesville has a Job Fair!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Job Fair today!
On election day most of our classes/grades had a guest reader. Mrs. Larkin came around and read Grace for President and talked about the election process!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Mrs. Larkin reading Grace for President
Don't forget we have our Toddler Storytime tomorrow (Tuesday) Novemeber 5th at 9am!
5 months ago, Megan Freeman
Toddler Storytime
Our virtual students had a great time on their monthly social! They enjoyed Sooner Park and getting to explore!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Virtual  Social
Virtual Social
It's a great time to be a Bruin! #bvillebruWIN applitrack.com/bpsok/onlineapp
over 55 years ago, BPSD
Only a few days left to get your vote in! Students can bring spare change to put in their classroom bucket or you can donate through paypal. The class with the most money at the end of the month earns a prize!!
5 months ago, Megan Freeman
Fall Door Contest
Kane Elementary Hat Day is this Thursday! Bring $1 and you can wear a hat all day!
5 months ago, Megan Freeman
Hat Day
Don't forget this week is Parent/Teacher conferences! We can't wait to meet with you and brag on your child! No school on Friday October 25th!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
No School Oct. 25
Get your Kane yearbook! Sign up before April 1st, 2025 and for $20 you can get a yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year!
over 55 years ago, Megan Freeman
Join us in voting for the best Fall Door Decoration Challenge! You might even see Roz! Students can bring spare change to put in their classroom bucket or you can donate through paypal. This contest runs all October long and pictures of doors will be coming out soon! The class with the most money at the end of the month earns a prize!!
5 months ago, Megan Freeman
Fall Door Contest
Have a wonderful Fall Break! No school Thursday and Friday Oct. 17-18. Classes will resume on Monday October 21st!
5 months ago, Megan Freeman
Fall Break-No School
Join us in voting for the best Fall Door Decoration Challenge! You might even see Roz! Students can bring spare change to put in their classroom bucket or you can donate through paypal. This contest runs all October long and pictures of doors will be coming out soon! The class with the most money at the end of the month earns a prize!!
6 months ago, Megan Freeman
Fall Door Contest
We are helping give back to our community with a Canned Food Drive for Salvation Army! Students can bring cans in from October 11th-November 1st!
6 months ago, Megan Freeman
Canned Food Drive