Pictures are tomorrow! Please do not wear green if you are getting your picture taken.
Online Code: MadisonMS2025

We would like to congratulate our Madison Students for their accomplishments at OSSEF (Oklahoma State Science and Engineering Fair) in Stillwater on Friday, March 7, 2025.

BPA students traveled to Tulsa Wednesday for the Business Professionals of America spring conference. Three of our students placed in the top 8, in the state in Business Communication Skills Concepts and Computer Literacy Concepts.
We are so proud of them!

Upcoming Events

Board Game club with Mrs. Weimer will meet on Tuesday, the 11th after school from 3-4. All are welcome in room 202.

Mr. Giles and the broadcasting staff at Madison would like to thank this year's sponsors. Through their partnership Madison's broadcast kids were able to tell meaningful community and school-wide stories, create special news segments, and engage with professional news equipment. Want to be a sponsor in 2025-2026? Reach out to Mr. Giles at gilesgt@bps-ok.org. Sponsorship prices vary from $15-$20.

Mr. Giles and the yearbook staff at Madison would like to thank this year's sponsors. Through their partnership Madison's yearbook kids were able to help pay for the publication of the 48th volume of Madison Memories, to brainstorm theme ideas and bring one to life, and to capture meaningful tales that will surely last a lifetime. Want to be a sponsor of the 2026 yearbook? Reach out to Mr. Giles at gilesgt@bps-ok.org. Sponsorship prices cost $25, which secures your business name and contact information on the spread of your choice on a first come, first serve basis.

Spring Pictures are next Wednesday! Only students who are ordering will be photographed. There will be no proofs sent home.

Plastic Bottle Recycling Program

Tuesday's track meet has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 6th due to forecasted storms on Tuesday.
Please sign up for snacks at this link:

Bracelet Club is Wednesday March 5th until 4:00 pm in Mrs. Neill's room.

Today is the last day to purchase your M.A.D week shirt. Proceeds go to Fostering Success!

We excited of our annual parent lunch!

MMS is excited to celebrate March Madness. Please see the following calendar for upcoming events!

8th grade students will be traveling to Tulsa for JA Inspire this Thursday. They will be stopping at Mother Road Market for lunch. Students can bring money to purchase food at the market (suggested $15-20) or they can have a school provided lunch.

Pickleball Club will meet this Wednesday 2/26. Meet on the map after school and Mr. Massey will pick you up in a bus to head to Sooner Park. Your parents need to pick you up at the courts at 4:15.

A representative for the Sutton Avian Research Center, Kaitlin Garcia, came to visit the 6th Grade Design & Modeling students. The students learned about the mission of the Sutton Research Center, and about the birds the Sutton Center houses. To finish out the day Mrs. Garcia has tasked several groups of students to design enrichment activities for four birds that are currently housed at the research center.

TONIGHT, Monday, 2/24/2025, is the annual Math & Science Night for middle school students and their parents at Madison Middle School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Come out for free food, door prizes, and a variety of hands-on STEM activities sponsored and facilitated by ConocoPhillips.

The annual Bartlesville Math & Science Night for middle school students from both Central and Madison will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Madison Middle School at 5900 Baylor Drive.
ConocoPhillips sponsors and facilitates this event for students and their parents with free food and a wide variety of stimulating hands-on math and science activities. Come out and learn more about STEM education and careers in the oil and gas industry while having fun.