Science Fair 2/9

Madison Middle School will be hosting our first “MAD Scientists from Madison” come-and-go event on February 9, 2023, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM

Our scientists will be displaying their science fair projects.

 Family, friends, and community members are invited to come tour our students' science fair projects and vote on their favorite.

 In addition to the fan-favorite awards, students' projects will be judged and awards will be given in the following categories: Biology, Chemistry, Physics/Engineering, Environmental, and Earth & Space. Each category will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each grade. All awards will be presented during Bruin Time on Friday, February 17, 2023 at 8:10 AM in Madison’s auditorium.

Sponsorship Opportunities to support our MAD Scientists

We are looking for sponsors to help provide awards for our MAD Scientists. 1st place winners will receive $25 each, 2nd place will receive $20 each, and 3rd place will receive $15 each. Our “fan favorite” winners will receive $10 each. If you would like to sponsor an award, please contact Mrs. Herard at

Fan Favorites & Best in Show sponsored by Mrs. Theresa Miller 

Physics/Engineering sponsored by Cody Hough Construction 

Biology $150 needs a sponsor

Chemistry $150 needs a sponsor

Environmental $150 needs a sponsor

Earth & Space $150 needs a sponsor